
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Hair and Nails

Hair and Nails 
There are a lot of beauty trends now days concerning hair and nails...The Anti-aging hair products are a part of the last trend for hair care. AGING HAIR ?!... Yes, exactly and they even say there are like 8 signs of aging hair, or the hair stylist would tell you to buy some specific products, or to use a specific anti-aging hair elixir, because, you know, your hair ages with you!!! Freaking hilarious...

Just stop this marketing madness... How can your hair be aging when it is already dead? Yes, both your hair and nails are made of dead cells. Imagine if they were alive. It would be a torture to get a haircut or to clip your nails would be like the bravest thing in the world. But that elixir thingy sounds kind of dark if it can bring the dead back to life...;) 

Damage made to the hair body cannot be repaired by biological processes, but by the help of cosmetology, much can be done to  improve hair and to make sure that the hair cuticle remains intact. But this is another topic. Thank you lord for cosmetology!!! :)

Hair care on the other hand is essential, because the living parts of hair, such as the hair follicle, hair root, root sheath, and sebaceous gland, are beneath the skin. If the scalp is not washed in a regular manner, it can create a breeding ground for infection. The scalp skin must be kept healthy and clean, for a healthy hair production.

What I am saying is that care of the hair and care of the scalp skin may seem like they are different routines, but they are essentially intertwined, because hair grows from beneath the skin. 

It is better to stick with the basics that are proven to be good for your hair. New doesn't always mean better!...  I will not mention any hair care brand name, just yet. But please, tell me in the comments if you have a holy grail hair product.  

What about nails? It is said that having a biotin supplement is going to make your hair and nails much stronger. I have had biotin for about 2-3 months before. But I have noticed that it is more the food intake that does the job. I will tell you a little story to illustrate this better.

10-15 years ago I found a little kitten in the steps of my apartment. He was so small, thin and scared. His fur was full of bald patches and he had tearful eyes. I just couldn't resist and brought him home. For about two weeks my family gave him a special diet, which consisted mostly of proteins. We boiled 2-3 eggs and he ate them daily, beside other things. After approximately one month you would not recognize him. His fur was shiny, healthy, and he was full of energy... 

I gave you this example because it is not much different for us, too. Your diet is essential and it reflects in your  skin, hair and your overall wellness. Eat as healthy as you can, take care of your hygiene routines and you will have a great canvas for make up, hair styles and nail art. 

That's my two cents for today.  

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Garlic, we should 'heart' it

Garlic health benefits
If we knew all the benefits of garlic, not mentioning the bad garlic breath, ew, we would certainly heart it. But, there is a garlic breath cure. Researchers have discovered that drinking a glass of milk, would be a great garlic breath remedy. So there is really no reason now, not to eat garlic. I personally can not eat a lot of it, because I have a low blood pressure, but for everyone with high blood pressure garlic is a great alternative to normalize it. 

The smallish garlic clove can play a big role also in lowering the risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attacks. Researchers have discovered the reason that lies behind the heart protecting benefits of the freshly crushed garlic. 

That garlic has health benefits is not a current discovery. Since ancient times, healers in China and India have used garlic as a remedy to make blood thinner. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, used it to treat cervical cancer. Louis Pasteur, one of my favorite scientists of all times, reported on garlic's antibacterial and antifungal properties. The history goes on and on...

According to the current studies on the matter, researchers have concluded that fresh garlic generates hydrogen sulfide, a gas that is so short lived that it disappears when garlic is cooked or dried. Dried or processed garlic does not retain its antioxidant values in the extent of the fresh one, but it does have some.

The amount of garlic you need to get the heart-healthy benefits is about a clove a day. It is said that the best way to use garlic is to mince a clove and then mix it with yogurt, applesauce, honey, or some other carrier agent of your choice. Don't forget the glass of milk afterwards! ;) If you eat some parsley it will also get the job done. Do this and you will maintain a normal heart rate. 

On the other hand the coin has two sides. So consuming garlic may have some side effects too. Garlic might prolong bleeding, so stop taking garlic at least two weeks before a scheduled surgery. Also use garlic with caution if you have digestion problems. If you are taking any prescription medicine, you should consult with your doctor because there may be some major interactions. 

When you have time, I encourage you to read this review, or at least skim it. Garlic and Cardiovascular Disease: A Critical Review, published in the American Society for Nutrition Journal.

Does weed really cure cancer?

Weed, or otherwise known as marijuana, has a very controversial history. Its scientific name is Cannabis Sativa.  It currently has a limited medical use. Medical researchers have isolated substances from the plant, known as cannabinoids that can be used to achieve more predictable effects. 

It is important to note that medicinal marijuana is not yet a form of treatment and is not curative. It is used to treat cancer symptoms like pain and to relieve select side effects of treatment, that are associated with different kinds of cancers, such as breast cancer, stomach cancer, head and neck cancers, lung cancer etc.  Unfortunately this list is too long to be continued...

Certain cannabinoid drugs have been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to relieve nausea and vomiting, increase appetite in people with cancer and AIDS. Other marijuana extracts are still being tested. 

It is claimed that kush weed (kush refers to a subset of strains of Cannabis Indica) has antibacterial properties, inhibits the tumor growth, eases the severity of asthma attacks and so on. 

As of 2012, there are reports online suggesting that marijuana oil or “hemp” oil can cure cancer, as well as many other diseases, such as diabetes, ulcers, arthritis, migraines, insomnia and infections. According to these reports smoking weed does not have the same effects as consuming the 'hemp' oil orally. 

On the other hand there are a lot of challenges in the marijuana research, because the plant itself contains many compounds that react differently in the organism. Another factor is that effects vary, depending on how marijuana is consumed. Also the method of extraction of these compounds is important. 

But, if this plant seems to have so many good properties, why is it illegal? This question would arise naturally to anyone that doesn't have knowledge on its past. Marijuana use, according to the White House on marijuana legalization, is associated not only with dependence, but also with many other negative aspects. 

The supporters of the 'hemp oil cure', known as the Phoenix Tears, claim that if the weed is eaten and not smoked, it does not have any addictive properties, but this is in the process of being tested by the scientific community and there are no legal protocols on the matter yet. 


2. "Kirk and Law Enforcement: Super-Marijuana 'Kush' Hits Suburbs". June 15, 2009. Retrieved 2009-06-30.

3. Guy, Geoffrey William; Brian Anthony Whittle, Philip Robson (2004). The Medicinal Uses of Cannabis and Cannabinoids. Pharmaceutical Press. p. 61. ISBN 0-85369-517-2.

4. Jackson, Trevor (November 10, 2001). "Cannabis the wonder drug?". British Medical Journal (British Medical Association) 323 (7321): 1136. doi:10.1136/bmj.323.7321.1136. PMC 1121619. Retrieved 2008-03-14.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Health Advice

Healthy living
Everybody needs to be his own doctor sometimes. I do not mean to skip the medical check ups and doctor visits, but you should know the basics. You should know how to prevent the illness. 

It is well known that it is always best to prevent than to cure. Some diseases are hidden ones, and they hit you when you least expect it. Sometimes you do not even believe it is happening and you do not understand WHY... These kind of diseases can only be prevented by regular check-ups. There are a lot of new diagnostic methods that have been proven to be successful. We will be discussing about them in here, too. 
Medical diagnostics
Even better, a lot of work is being done by the scientific community on the theranostic nanomedicine, which is a combination of diagnostics and therapy. I can not wait to talk to you about it.  

I strongly believe that the underlaying cause of almost all diseases is stress. 
When the inner balance is ruined, most likely the body will respond negatively. If you have family history with 'bad' diseases, please be aware to do the regular check ups more often. I am telling you this, but I should do that myself first, too. I always seem to postpone them. Just don't!!!

Apart from the difficult diseases, you should know how to improve yourself. By improving yourself I mean better nutrition, sports and activities that make you happy. 
Healthy eating habits

If you have kids, you should know some extra tips  for them too. 
Children health
I am very passionate on the health topics and I will do my best to cover the most important areas in here. I am a licensed pharmacist with a scientific master in nuclear pharmacy. I am also pursuing my doctoral degree in a related field. The information that is going to be included in the health section of this blog is going to be supported by the relevant current researches done on the field and at the very end of the post I am going to include the references. 

It is going to be much fun doing this. I am sure it will be very interesting for you, too. Health means beauty... 

Stay tuned ;)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Home renovations

Home renovations
Hi guys... This post is going to be really short, because I am sooo busy, but I wanted to write something in here. 

My home is a total mess right now, because of the restorations and renovations being done. 

I have a lot of books in my old room, and by a lot I mean approximately a thousand!!! Yess, still not enough though...;) However most of them are from the non-internet era, old and new editions. There is a patrimony of books in my home and I LOVE them. They are from my father, who was an artist in soul and a great man. Long story short, I cherish them. 

On the other hand, these books are all over the place and their gigantic bookcase has been placed in a 'fashionable' way, that should totally be a cover in one of the best house decor magazines in the world, let's say Architectural Digest. Because of them my house has turned into a 'couture look' that if you wanted to achieve, you could not. Haha... I am looking around and even I can not believe my eyes. :D 

I remember when I was a little child, the house renovation times were the best for me, because the house turned into a playground, I could draw on the walls, play hide and seek and so on...We had a cat that I found on the steps of our apartment and he would be crazier than me at those times. Therapeutic, oh yes!...

That's the update. In a few days everything will get back to normal. I hopee.... Until then, stay well!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

A trip to Netherlands...

Utrecht, Netherlands
Utrecht, Netherlands
Welcome guys. This post is about a spontaneous trip that I did to Netherlands. It was all last minute. I found a very cheap direct one way plane ticket and I flew like 7 hours later. It was a two hours and half plane trip. I booked my hotel from and it was at a very good discounted price. I would definitely suggest you to book from this site. The funny fact is that when I extended my stay from the hotel reception, it was at full price, while at the hotel still had the discounted price. So definitely check this site out. I stayed at Hotel Theatre Figi in Zeist, Utrecht and it was a very good choice.

Zeist, Utrecht
Hotel Theatre Figi, Zeist, Utrecht

Here is the view from the front door of the hotel. Actually the street was full of little shops and restaurants.  In this pic it is shown the Hermitage Restaurant. There I had the chef's special 2 course menu, which was great in design and very creative. Overall it was a very good atmosphere and service.

Actually each restaurant in the street had its own beer. I noticed people would spent hours in a restaurant with a beer talking with each other, same as we do with a coffee. The day was really long, too. It wouldn't get dark before 11 PM, so the hours were well spent. Another thing that surprised me was that the shops would close before 6 PM everywhere. 

If you happen to visit Utrecht, definitely book a bike. You could do a nice ride down the woods. 

Zeist woods, Utrecht, Netherlands
Zeist woods, Utrecht, Netherlands
The second day I took the bus to the Utrecht University. Well, this trip wasn't for nothing... Just saying ;)  I can't really remember its number, but the buses were really punctual there. The bus station was next to the hotel too, so great location Figi... Here there is a pic from the Faculty of Pharmacy at the Utrecht University. Do you notice anything strange?

Faculty of Pharmacy at the Utrecht University

Well, these sheep are not like any other. They are just out of the university and have graduated 'Magma Cum Laude'... Hahaha. Just kidding ;).

After I left, I took the train to the Amsterdam Centraal. I had to visit Amsterdam, being so near it. If you are in Amsterdam and you don't know where to start your endeavors from, definitely try a canal cruise and boat tour. It will show and tell you, all you need to hear, even in three languages, Dutch, German and French. Don't forget to tip the Captain, when you leave...

View from a canal cruise and boat tour in Amsterdam
Pirates ship in Amsterdam
Clover Sign on the door 
Canal cruise in Amsterdam

Centraal Station Amsterdam

After the boat trip I really wanted an ice-cream. Kind of random, isn't it? While I was searching for an ice-cream shop down the street, I could see a crowd of people, some with cameras, coming and going... I do not know if in the neighborhood I was in, that was a rare thing, but a little smoke was coming from one window and everybody was like panicking a bit and trying to register this moment with their cameras. I took example from everybody else and I photographed it too. 

Smoke from a building in Amsterdam

I really like the curtains and yellow flowers in these windows. Aren't they lovely? 

Lovely yellow flowers and curtains in a window in Amsterdam

Finally I found the ice-cream shop and I sat at the park near a canal to eat it. Immediately some pigeons came near me to eat the crombs from the ice cream cone. I was feeding them, when this proud seagull, flew down from a high roof, with the severity of an Army General. 

He frightened all the pigeons and after that did three marches up and down, as to take my permission to eat the ice cream cone, I previously gave to the pigeons. 

When he saw that the 'human' didn't do anything to stop or banish him, he proudly took the ice cream cone as a trophy and flew, where he came from. 

Seagull in Amsterdam

I looked up and saw that most of the roofs in Amsterdam were filled with seagulls. So know this as a fact. In Amsterdam "the Seagulls are watching you!!!" Hahahaha...

Before leaving I went to the Cultuurpark Westergasfabriek. I really enjoyed my time there. 

Cultuurpark Westergasfabriek

It was a nice day in Amsterdam. This is the car I bought back there... Do you like it? 

Just kidding, again... ;) As I mentioned in the first sentences of this blog I had found an one way plane ticket to Amsterdam. It was a difficult task to find the returning ticket, so I had to do a 2 transit stop plane trip to get home, after about a 20 hour journey. Other than that, it a was a very nice experience. 

That was it, for this post, too. Best wishes! 

Monday, April 1, 2013

Hagia Sophia, the door opens...

Hagia Sophia Museum in Istanbul, Turkey
Hagia Sophia Museum in Istanbul, Turkey
I went to Istanbul because of a World-meeting Congress in the field of Pharmaceutics, where I had the possibility to present my research done at that time. One day after my presentation I had the possibility to visit the Hagia Sophia.

Once upon a time a Byzantine Church, now a museum, the Hagia Sophia stands a top the first hill of Constantinople at the tip of the historic peninsula, surrounded by the waters of the Sea of Marmara, the Bosphorus and the Golden Horn on three sides. 

The entrance to the Hagia Sophia Museum
The entrance to the Hagia Sophia Museum
It was in a beautiful location, but a bit of a hassle to find the way to the entrance, since there were a lot of reparations being done on the streets and our taxi driver was one of those, who would run you into circles, just for the extra miles. However, all aside, we finally entered the location. Instantly a feeling of peace surrounded me. 

Waiting in line in front of the walls of Hagia Sophia Museum
Waiting in line in front of the walls of Hagia Sophia Museum
It was apparent that this place was full of mysteries and that intrigued me. I wish I had payed more attention before entering the museum, because just around the corner there was a small wooden shop offering headphones that would assist you, just as a cicerone would, for just 10 euros. Oh, well... 

Secret Chambers in Hagia Sophia
Secret Chambers in Hagia Sophia

A very deep and dark tunnel like hole in the underground labyrinths of Hagia Sophia
A very deep and dark tunnel like hole in the underground labyrinths of Hagia Sophia
I could not see the end of this tunnel, surely filled with secrets I can only imagine...

Underground Hagia Sophia
Underground Hagia Sophia
Hagia Sophia is the only building in the world designed as a great church, not to have extensive and well-explored underground areas, whether they be crypts, burial chambers or catacombs. This pics were taken before entering the museum.

Burial remains in front of the Hagia Sophia Museum
Burial remains in front of the Hagia Sophia Museum

Careful not to fall, he he 
This is also the only building in the world that has altogether symbolism from Paganism, Christianity and Sunni Muslims. To be honest I felt that the restorations left a lot to desire... When visiting Hagia Sophia, the neglect due to the water damage and decay that exists in the building is apparent...

View of the magnificent Hagia Sophia Dome
View of the magnificent Hagia Sophia Dome
Most of the Christian features were removed but many others were still there, together with some pagan symbols that we can often find in churches (see this colons are filled with pagan symbols) .

Christian and Muslim symbols overwritten
Christian and Muslim symbols overwritten
Here the underneath cross can easily be distinguished. Also in the pictures below the efforts for the metamorphosis of the church into a mosque are evident.

Islamic Art in Hagia Sophia
Islamic Art in Hagia Sophia

Under the Islamic Art the Christian Symbols can be clearly seen
Under the Islamic Art the Christian Symbols can be clearly seen

Hagia Sophia
Hagia Sophia

Marbles at Hagia Sophia
Marbles at Hagia Sophia
Actually it would undoubtedly be a very significant gesture from the Turkish government to return Hagia Sophia to its original Christendom today, but of course that can never be...As a Museum, this structure must remain a testimony to its past, Pagan, Christian and Muslim alike, standing to tell a story, in its structure and stones.

Another thing that caught my eye were the massive caliphs on the Dome. They are pretty controversial because of their over-bearing size. Here is one of them.

A view of the caliphs and the Hagia Sophia Dome
A view of the caliphs and the Hagia Sophia Dome
One reason for not removing the caliphs is said to be because of their size and that they would have to be destroyed in order to be removed. While a balance is attempting to be made between Christian and Muslim Art, the over-bearing designs of the caliphs strikes a person as soon as they walk into the main part of the structure. Is this a balance or just a statement of superiority? This is surely open to interpretation...

Uncovered treasures in Hagia Sophia, awaiting to see the light.
Uncovered treasures in Hagia Sophia, awaiting to see the light.
Even though I somehow feel grateful that this magnificent building wasn't destroyed, may be because of the religion and mysticism surrounding it, a careful eye would clearly see that there are so many uncovered jewels underneath the first facade... In the above image, is it me or can you too see a manlike form underneath the deterioration? 

Another issue is the alleged mosaic of Christ as Master of the World under the Islamic calligraphy on the Dome. It is unknown with any degree of certainty if this mosaic truly exists. If restoration efforts were undertaken to restore this mosaic, and the Islamic art, covering it was destroyed, what would happen if the mosaic was not there? 

Interior view of the Hagia Sophia dome and the angels surrounding it
Interior view of the Hagia Sophia dome and the angels surrounding it.
But on the other hand in this image it is shown the interior view of the dome. Surely the Angels would not have been placed to surround an empty dome, would they?...

Angels with covered faces in Hagia Sophia
Angels with covered faces in Hagia Sophia

The faces of these angels are mostly covered (in my knowledge in the Islamic Art it is forbidden to draw faces), but there is one of them, whose face was uncovered in 2010. A seraph most likely, since it has with 6 wings and that no one has set eyes on its face for more than 160 years...It is shown in the image below. 

The face of the seraph, finally sees the light after more than 160 years
The face of the seraph, finally sees the light after more than 160 years

View of the mosaic from below
View of the mosaic from below
The Archangel Gabriel was also there. It was like he showed his face from the nothingness near him, as to say, there is more in the unseen then in the known. But sometimes it is better to be in the mystery, in the unknown...I am sure you get what I mean...

Archangel Gabriel mosaic at Hagia Sophia

View of the Archangel Gabriel mosaic from another angle
View of the Archangel Gabriel mosaic from another angle

Some of the symbolism in Hagia Sophia was adopted from the Paganism, as I said in the beginning. For example, the iconography of Virgin Mary and Jesus come from the ancient Egyptian tradition. They are said to be the representation of Goddess Isis and Horus. The halo refers to the God Sun, known as Ra in ancient Egyptian mythology, as depicted in the picture below.

Iconography of Virgin Mary and Jesus as the representation of Goddess Isis and Horus
Iconography of Virgin Mary and Jesus as the representation of Goddess Isis and Horus

Virgin Mary and Christ the child

A representation of tridents and dolphins, indicating some form of worship to Neptune/Poseidon and a reference to Atlantis is shown on this panel.

Pagan symbols in Hagia Sophia. Dolphins and tridents.
Pagan symbols in Hagia Sophia. Dolphins and tridents.
On each column on the upper gallery there is a capital with monograms. In some of them it is represented the Ankh (the Egyptian key of life) and a Freemasonry symbol. Who put these symbols up there? It’s still a mystery... Interesting isn't it? Next time you visit a historic place keep an eye for the Pagan symbols...

Freemasonry symbols in the colons of Hagia Sophia
Freemasonry symbols in the colons of Hagia Sophia

Colons filled with monograms in Hagia Sophia
At last here is the circle, where the Emperors would be enthroned... I wanted to get in the middle of the circle, but it was strictly forbidden. Apparently if you are not an Emperor or a cleaner you can not get past security, he he...

The circle, where the Emperors would be enthroned in Hagia Sophia
The experience in Hagia Sophia was an unforgettable one. It was a very cold place, where time flies by. I have stayed there for approximately 6 hours, without even noticing it. Below are some other pics worth sharing. If you are like me, you sure enjoy photos.

Mosaics in Hagia Sophia
Mosaics in Hagia Sophia

Mosaics on one very high door in the magnificent Hagia Sophia
Mosaics on one very high door in the magnificent Hagia Sophia 

Cat sleeping inside the Hagia Sophia Museum
Cat sleeping inside the Hagia Sophia Museum
As you can see in this last pic there is a kitty cat sleeping comfortably. I called her twice, but she was quite lazy and responded by just wigging her tail as to say 'leave me in peace'.

I would definitely advice you to visit Hagia Sophia, if the opportunity arises. The atmosphere there speaks louder then any words. It is a magnificent place worth seeing. After the visit I suggest a boat ride in the Marmaris sea...From the Hagia Sophia Museum it is just a 15-20 minutes walk, to get to the seaside. 

View from a 45 minutes boat travel in the Marmaris sea
View from a 45 minutes boat travel in the Marmaris sea
I hope you enjoyed this first post... Best wishes!