Thursday, May 9, 2013

Cancer, the Death Roulette

Death roulette
Cancer is a very complex and heterogeneous disease. Everybody knows that early detection can save lives. However there are some types of cancers, where early detection is very difficult. Only thanks to lucky circumstances, can these type of cancers be discovered. Lets take advantage from the valuable lessons of Lau Tsu, Aristotle, Leonardo and Darvin, who teach us that the truth is discovered more often by observing with caution the small things, rather than watching in shock the big looking ones. 

Technological development has made it possible for the doctors to discover, with the aid of sophisticated machines, the cancer development, in phases where its size is microscopic. But, even though the achievements in the field of cancer therapy may be important, or the means and possibilities that science has provided to the doctors for this purpose may be effective and successful, the main objective and the most important one in the global strategy in the war against cancer, is without any doubt its prevention. Our salvation and our loss are often inside ourselves. 

In the scientific community it is generally believed that cancer may be eradicated in the same way that most of the early infectious diseases have been. Cancer has not been as threatening as today in the past. Every era has had its own 'curse'. 

In the Middle Ages the 'Black Death' caused millions of deaths and left the people terrorized and without protection. Latter it was discovered that the cause of this disease was a kind of microbe that was transmitted through mices, that infected people by entering into their houses. After the cause was found then this disease was eradicated.

Same with tuberculosis in the 19th century. It was the most difficult disease of that time. In many countries tuberculosis is not a life threatening disease now, because of the preventive measures, such as vaccines and better life conditions. 

There are two well studied and undeniable factors, that the general optimism in preventing cancer is based on. 

1. Nowadays a big number of factors and agents that cause or favor the development of cancers in humans are known and can be avoided. Read my post '10 causes of cancer' for further information.

2. Cancer development is a gradual and long process. The diagnose in the early para-clinic phases or when the first symptoms are shown, makes it possible for a full recovery in a considerable number of cases. Read my other post 'How does cancer develop' for  more knowledge on this topic. I always try to give information in a simple and understandable way, so it doesn't matter if you are not from the field. I am not writing this blog for people from the scientific community or similar. It is for everyone that searches and wants to know more information to help them protect themselves. Knowledge is power. But let's continue with our topic...

Based on these two important factors, two main directions have been defined for the prevention of cancer.

1. Combating the causes of this disease and the factors that aid its development, such as cancerous agents and precancerous states.

2. Early detection and diagnosis of the disease, when it is still in the first phases.

Again this post is just an overview of the topics that we will be covering in the posts to come, so stay tuned.

Cancer is a 'death roulette' because the cancerous agents may induce this disease if the genetic pathways of the person make it possible. There are people, who smoke and yet live long lives. There are others that are easily affected from smoking causing lung cancer or similar. The tobacco smoke can cause in the structure of the DNA the fatal combination, every time one smokes a cigarette. So, its like playing in a roulette. 

It is also the same as in a war. The probability to be hit from the adverser's guns is as big as the number of ordnance. The fact that a lot of soldiers do not get hurt, doesn't mean that the war is less dangerous for the life of those who fight. 

I truly want cancer to be gone forever. Generally it affects and takes the lives of the best people. 

Stay well.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Detox dietary regime

The main task of this regime is to detoxify the entire system and restore the functions of the liver and metabolism. This food is quickly and easily digested. 

Forbidden foods and substances:

- Bottled 
- Canned
- Frozen
- Preserved
- Refined
- Salted
- Smoked
- Sulphured


Use: Stainless steel, glass, enamel, earthenware, cast iron and tin
Do not use: Microwave ovens, pressure cookers or any aluminium pots or utensils.

Fresh fruit should be used. Pears and plums are more easily digested when stewed. Unsulphured dried fruits may also be used. Daily juices, such as orange juice, apple and carrot juice, green leaf juice, grape juice, grapefruit juice, apple juice (8oz. glass) should be prepared and consumed daily. 

Green leaf juice recipe: 

You can use as many of the various kinds of leaves as possible mentioned below:

Red cabbage leaves (2-3 leaves..)

Swiss chard



Green Pepper


Add 1 medium apple for each glass and drink immediately after preparation. 

Vegetables should be all freshly prepared and saltless. They should be stewed and not fried. Onions, leeks and tomatoes have enough liquid of their own to prevent burning and to keep them moist during the cooking process. Wash and scrub vegetables thoroughly, but do not peel or scrape them. Note that sprayed insecticides can not be removed by washing because they have been absorbed into the plants by their roots from the soil. Spices must be used sparingly because they may counteract the healing reaction.


The following raw vegetables are very important (finely grated if necessary or chopped, mixed or separate). Combine as you wish.

- Apples and carrots


Knob Celery
Green Peppers
Dressing (optional) Mix two table spoons lemon juice or apple vinegar. 2 table spoons water, 1 tablespoon brown sugar, a little diced onion and grated horseradish.

Peppermint tea should be used in cases of indigestion, nausea or gas. To prepare take two teaspoons of dried peppermint leaves to 2 cups of boiling water, boil 5 minutes and strain. Add brown sugar and lemon if desired. 

Oatmeal should be taken in the mornings for breakfast (1/2 cup oatmeal to 1 cup of water). Cook slowly in water until done (about 5 minutes). Take oatmeal with almond or rice milk. You can add on top raw grated apples, brown sugar or honey, stewed prunes, bananas, apple sauce, raisins, peaches etc.

Below is given a sample menu, which you can adjust to your own needs.


1 glass juice
Large portion oatmeal with fruits (no preservatives)


Salad (raw fruit)
Pot cheese and buttermilk. 
Warm soup
1 glass juice
Large baked potato
Vegetables, cooked
Dessert: Fruit, stewed or raw.


Salad (raw fruit)
Pot cheese and buttermilk. 
Warm soup
1 glass juice
Large baked potato
Vegetables, cooked
Dessert: Fruit, stewed or raw.

This dietary regime excludes most sodium containing foods,while it helps to refill the tissues as needed with the important potassium.

As a reference I encourage you to read Max Gerson, M.D.  

Stay well! 

Holistic medicine, is it effective or just a myth?

Holistic Medicine
While holistic medicine ideas may sound sensible today, they were almost blasphemous in the past. Holistic medicine is defined in different ways. In general, it focuses on the whole person rather than just on the illness or part of the body that is not healthy

Some of the radical principles of holistic medicine are:

- Diet has considerable effect on almost all diseases
- The human body can heal itself given the appropriate nutrients
- Any effective treatment for degenerative diseases must treat the whole person
- People with serious illnesses must help their body detoxify

Sounds fine, doesn't it? Of course, the question mark, if this is enough always remains... Health professionals realize that a person’s health depends on the balance of physical, psychological, social, and cultural forces. However, available scientific evidence does not support claims that holistic medicine without mainstream medical care can cure illness.

Unfortunately, there are quite some diseases that the mainstream medicine can not cure yet. I also 'hate' the concept of palliative care, that is to relieve symptoms without having a curative effect on the underlying disease or cause. But, sometimes it is what it is... You have to do anything that may help to improve your quality of life. 

A combination of emotional, nutritional, poisons, infections, accidents and inheritance, is mainly the underlying cause of any disease. In a well functioning body all is arranged according to the fundamental rules of nature. 

Here comes the first factor... Nature! It is not only our internal metabolism that counts, but our 'external one' as well. By external metabolism I mean the 'earth metabolism', such as plants, fruits, the composition of the soil in which they grow, transportation, storage and preparation of these foods. Is the agriculture today sufficiently organic, or is it making the quality of soil to deteriorate? 

The everyday life stress, living disconnected with nature, having a monotony of not healthy habits, is going to mark your health and show on the outside as well. We always say that health is the most important thing in life and yet we tend to do so little to care for it. 

You can find plenty of information on different food regimes on the net and it is overwhelming sometimes. Some of them say do not eat dairy products,  others do not eat meat, do not eat carbs etc etc. I say eat everything within balance. Balance is important in life. Keep in mind different food allergies that you may have and be kind to yourself. Try to eat as organic as possible. Be comfortable in your skin and avoid stress, juice as often as you can, exercise, stay in touch with nature... Easier said than done, right? I promise you will see a difference in your energy levels, in your mood and overall health. It all begins and ends inside your head, so try and keep your thoughts positive, too. 

If you are interested in a more detailed detox dietary regime, to heal your liver and cleanse your body, then you should read my other article entitled 'Detox Dietary Regime'. 

Stay well! :)

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