
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Cancer, the Death Roulette

Death roulette
Cancer is a very complex and heterogeneous disease. Everybody knows that early detection can save lives. However there are some types of cancers, where early detection is very difficult. Only thanks to lucky circumstances, can these type of cancers be discovered. Lets take advantage from the valuable lessons of Lau Tsu, Aristotle, Leonardo and Darvin, who teach us that the truth is discovered more often by observing with caution the small things, rather than watching in shock the big looking ones. 

Technological development has made it possible for the doctors to discover, with the aid of sophisticated machines, the cancer development, in phases where its size is microscopic. But, even though the achievements in the field of cancer therapy may be important, or the means and possibilities that science has provided to the doctors for this purpose may be effective and successful, the main objective and the most important one in the global strategy in the war against cancer, is without any doubt its prevention. Our salvation and our loss are often inside ourselves. 

In the scientific community it is generally believed that cancer may be eradicated in the same way that most of the early infectious diseases have been. Cancer has not been as threatening as today in the past. Every era has had its own 'curse'. 

In the Middle Ages the 'Black Death' caused millions of deaths and left the people terrorized and without protection. Latter it was discovered that the cause of this disease was a kind of microbe that was transmitted through mices, that infected people by entering into their houses. After the cause was found then this disease was eradicated.

Same with tuberculosis in the 19th century. It was the most difficult disease of that time. In many countries tuberculosis is not a life threatening disease now, because of the preventive measures, such as vaccines and better life conditions. 

There are two well studied and undeniable factors, that the general optimism in preventing cancer is based on. 

1. Nowadays a big number of factors and agents that cause or favor the development of cancers in humans are known and can be avoided. Read my post '10 causes of cancer' for further information.

2. Cancer development is a gradual and long process. The diagnose in the early para-clinic phases or when the first symptoms are shown, makes it possible for a full recovery in a considerable number of cases. Read my other post 'How does cancer develop' for  more knowledge on this topic. I always try to give information in a simple and understandable way, so it doesn't matter if you are not from the field. I am not writing this blog for people from the scientific community or similar. It is for everyone that searches and wants to know more information to help them protect themselves. Knowledge is power. But let's continue with our topic...

Based on these two important factors, two main directions have been defined for the prevention of cancer.

1. Combating the causes of this disease and the factors that aid its development, such as cancerous agents and precancerous states.

2. Early detection and diagnosis of the disease, when it is still in the first phases.

Again this post is just an overview of the topics that we will be covering in the posts to come, so stay tuned.

Cancer is a 'death roulette' because the cancerous agents may induce this disease if the genetic pathways of the person make it possible. There are people, who smoke and yet live long lives. There are others that are easily affected from smoking causing lung cancer or similar. The tobacco smoke can cause in the structure of the DNA the fatal combination, every time one smokes a cigarette. So, its like playing in a roulette. 

It is also the same as in a war. The probability to be hit from the adverser's guns is as big as the number of ordnance. The fact that a lot of soldiers do not get hurt, doesn't mean that the war is less dangerous for the life of those who fight. 

I truly want cancer to be gone forever. Generally it affects and takes the lives of the best people. 

Stay well.

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