
Friday, May 10, 2013

How does cancer develop?

Cancer Development
The history of every disease is made of two parts. The first is the history of the outside factor and the second the history of the inside cause... As an old doctor from Thracia would say, all things, good and bad, come from the soul and they flow from there like from a source, all over the body. 
Without draining the source of the bad there can not be neither healing or peace for the soul.

People have been linking cancer development with their spiritual and emotional states for ages. A lot of patients state that their cancer disease has happened after a great neural tension, an abnormal stress, depressive state, or a prolong and deep grieving state. It is possible that difficult emotive states can lower the body immune defenses, leaving so, in an indirect way, open the gate for the development of cancer. But until now this is only hypothetical and needs to be proven from further and more complete studies.

Cancer cells have the ability to multiply continuously, their daughter cells do not die periodically as the normal cells would and they can destroy their normal neighbor cells. The basic characteristic of the malign (bad) tumors is their capability to spread locally and thoroughly in the organism. Cancer cells can destroy the nearby healthy tissues and infiltrate there in different directions. 

During the local infiltration of the cancer cells in the nearby tissues, they can destroy the blood vessel's wall or lymph's and through blood stream and lymphatic circulation, they can go to distant organs or tissues away from the tumor mass. 

If the cancer cells find the right conditions in these distant organs or tissues, that make their life and multiplication possible, they form secondary tumor masses, that are known as metastatic masses, or metastases. This whole picture makes the primary cancer cells seem very diabolic to achieve their aim... The local infiltration makes the surgical removal of tumors very difficult or impossible and the presence of metastatic growth makes it useless...

Cancer to develop needs months or even years. In breast cancer patients, the tumor needs 10-15 years to grow in a size 1-1.5 cm. If the breast cancer tumor is diagnosed in the size 1-1,5 cm, than in 90% of the cases there is a full recovery after the treatment.

That's why the early cancer diagnosis is very important and can save lives. If you want further information on cancer, as a metabolic disease, I encourage you to read the book 'Cancer as a Metabolic Disease' by Thomas Seyfried. 

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