Showing posts with label best cellulite treatment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label best cellulite treatment. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Best cellulite treatment with caffeine

Coffee scrub to treat cellulite
Cellulite, about 90% of women have it. Basically, it is just fat deposited underneath your skin that pushes up the connective tissues, causing that bumpy appearance, which is not aesthetic at all, isn't it... Cellulite doesn't depend on your weight, women of all sizes have it. Yes, I am saying 'women' because men are luckier in this area. Well, we have better hair, if that's a bit a consolation...;)  

Cellulite is more linked with your skin thickness, color and appearance.That's why the easy solution is always having a good tanned skin to hide the cellulite. But it sure is disturbing and that's why I am going to share with you a easy homemade treatment that is very comparable with the formulations of the high priced cellulite creams. This in my opinion, along with exercising  to burn that extra fat and drinking a lot of water, is the best convenient treatment for cellulite. 

This is a scrub made from coffee beans and olive oil that promises to banish cellulite by breaking down fat and draining away toxins. Did you know that the main and most important ingredient in the best cellulite creams is caffeine. Caffeine can help boost blood flow and banish cellulite. Natural materials such as caffeine have firm scientific basis for use in cellulite treatments (topically only), as it can actually stimulate lipolytic activity (fat breakdown) and coffee is known to contain xanthines, that are found in most human body tissues. Their mission is to increase the lipolytic activity. Caffeine is also known to refresh and boost the skin appearance and that's why it is also used in many best-selling caffeine eye creams.


It is said that consuming coffee can induce cellulite production. This is true in an indirect way, because when you consume coffee this stimulates insulin production and that shuts down fat consumption and lipolytic activity. The key to using coffee products on cellulite areas is to use it during the time when you are not eating, such as early morning or hour before bedtime, when insulin levels are not active.

If you are like me, you would never give up the morning coffee, just because of the probability of inducing cellulite...Instead we can make coffee a great alley against this ugly and unfair skin condition. How is that saying? If life gives you lemons, add some vodka and you're ok...Or is it make some lemonade? Hehe I don't know about you but the first alternative seems better to me. ;)

After you have your morning coffee, just put the used coffee grounds in a bowl and add two tablespoons full of olive oil. Mix well and that's it. Now scrub the cellulite affected areas in your skin for about 15 minutes, rinse with water and you're good to go. Olive oil is not used just to improve the consistency of this scrub, but to further condition the skin. It is know that Extra Virgin Olive oil is full of vitamins So, just scrub you cellulite away and you will notice immediately how tight your skin will start feeling. It is totally ok and this happens because caffeine will increase the blood flow in the area, moving away the toxins and the fatty acids and on top of that it will also exfoliate the skin. The olive oil will make your skin baby soft and to top it, this is all NATURAL and inexpensive. That's it. 

If you are searching for the best cellulite cream on the market take a close look at the ingredients. You want to make sure that you find a safe and effective cellulite cream that uses the five key ingredient combinations such as:

1. Caffeine and elderberry
2. L-carnitine, Bupleurum Falcatum and Coenzyme A
3. Glaucine and Centella Asiatica Extract
4. Fucus Vesiculosis Extract
5. Retinyl Palmitate (Vitamin A)

Stay well!
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