Saturday, May 25, 2013

Elements of nutrition, indispensable for you

In this post we will talk about the role of the elements of nutrition, where are they found and the advice you should follow to protect their effects. The most important elements for the human body are potassium, nitrogen, phosphor, calcium, magnesium, iron and sulfur, among which potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus are the indispensable ones. 


It is the element that is found in a big amount inside the human cell and it is very important for the electrical balance of the cell. Inside the cell there is a pump known as the Na-K pump that pumps sodium outside the cell and potassium inside. The balance of potassium and sodium ions for the body is extremely important, because once this balance is broken, diseases appear. Different scientific studies show that vegetables have a big amount of potassium and that's one reason more, to consume them.


Sodium is found in great amounts in the cell's interstitial fluid. Since it is found as an electrolyte in the fluid outside the cell, this ion helps to maintain the osmotic balance outside of the cell membrane and has the same effect as the potassium ion has inside the cell, to naturally protect the balance. Sodium daily needs have been calculated as 3-7 gram.


Iron is the element found in the biggest amount in the human body and it constitutes 0.004% of the human body weight. Naturally his amount in the body varies among 3-5 gram. But this amount is variable, because it depends on factors, such as age, sex, size, health and its reserved amount in the body. In reality iron is an element, in the color of blood that transports enough oxygen needed for breathing and carbon dioxide from the cells to the lung. Everyday our body should consume through food, 10-30 milligram of iron. 


Our body has big amounts of nitrogen. This element plays the most important role in the structure of proteins. 


It plays an important role to take and release energies in the human body.


It is a mineral that composes 1,5-2% of the human body weight in adults. From this amount 99% of calcium is found in bones and teeth. 


In a baby's body there is 0,5 gram magnesium, but an adult has 21-28 gram magnesium, 50-60% of which is found in bones and its most important role is to facilitate the function of neural cells.. It is very necessary for the skeleton and the limbs. It is found in an amount of more than 10 milligram in the human body, especially in the bones, liver and kidneys. 


It forms 0, 25% of the human body weight and this element is found in every cell of the human body. Mostly it is found in hair, skin and nails. Sulfur acts as a detoxifying agent, eliminating the dangerous components.


In the human organism there are 15-23 milligram of iodine. This element is found in all human cells, but 70-80% of iodine is found in the thyroid glands. This element is partially responsible in the synthesis of the thyroid hormones that play an important role in the metabolism of the human body.


It is known as the most important component of enzymes. It plays a crucial role in preventing the loss of blood. Especially children need this element a lot. You can find copper in considerable amounts in milk.


Water is the most important element found on earth that plays the most important role in transporting the base elements in the cells of living organisms. It composes 60% of the human body weight. Water is otherwise known as the vital element. He is the primary component of urine and blood plasma.

Blood in urine, first aid tips

Are you seeing your urine becoming red? First of all be sure not to confuse the color of your urine. Because when we exercise a lot or we are dehydrated at the same time, the color of the urine is very intense! In these cases, the urine takes a very strong orange color or even dark brown. So, be sure to distinguish the right color of it, before becoming a little anxious.

But if you see your urine becoming red, than no matter how you are feeling, you should go immediately to see your doctor.

The causes of hematuria (blood in urine) are numerous, ranging from any viral infections of the urinary tract, to severe problems of it.

In order for the blood to show in the urine, a severe problem must occur. The urinary tract is made of kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, prostate and urethra. The anatomical structure of the urinary tract must have suffered anatomical changes, in order for the blood to leave the blood vessels and mix with urine. 

These things don't happen with no reason and usually are accompanied with other symptoms like pain when urinating and urinating often or colic pain or after a severe trauma, such as falling from a height, a car accident, an injury done by sharp objects, or a bullet which must have destroyed the urinary tract.

Other causes of hematuria are the infections caused from some kind of viruses, or some types of bacteria that are responsible for some sexually transmitted diseases. Even the bladder, kidney and ureter stones are responsible for hematuria, usually accompanied by pain and fever. 

Malign or benign tumors in the urinary tract can be the cause for hematuria, especially in the old population and the benign prostatic hyperplasia can be a major cause of hematuria in older men, especially those over 50.

In women, who are in the middle of their menstrual cycles, when peeing, their urine is often mixed with the blood that is present in their genital organs or in the urethra. In this case, there is nothing to be afraid of. You are not suffering from anything. 

There exist some kind of drugs that can give red color to the urine, such as Rifampicine and Phenazopyridine. If you are taking these drugs and your urine turns red, contact with your doctor as soon as possible and stop taking them, until you see your physician.

If you just suffered from a trauma or a fall and you thought that nothing happened, but when you urinated, you saw your urine in a red color, than this is a red flag. Go immediately to the hospital.

The causes of hematuria are numerous, although some of them are very rare. The most important thing to keep in mind, is that this is not a normal thing and you should immediately go to see your doctor. This doesn't mean that you are suffering from a serious illness, since the major causes of hematuria are not serious ones.

Stay well!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Hair loss prevention and treatment

Are you experiencing hair loss? Are you seeing your hair falling in the towel every time you dry it, or in your fingers, when you run them through your hair? Are you seeing your hair on your pillow cases? And the most important thing, are you noticing your head slowly becoming bald?...  

Just relax!!!

Yes, I am saying relax, because if you haven't noticed baldness yet, you are in time. If you have, than you will have to get used to it...
95 % of hair loss is due to Androgenic Alopecia, or otherwise known as the male pattern baldness. It is a genetic syndrome, so we can not do anything about it, except to postpone the hair loss. 

So let's suppose you have a genetic tendency to become bald in your thirties. If you take good care of your hair, than you can postpone it until your forties, or may be fifties or even sixties! And may be at that time, some magic cure against genetic problems would have been found, or may be you would not care so much...

If you are suffering from serious baldness, there is nothing you can do about your hair, because the hair follicles do not exist any more. The easy way out is just to embrace the fact... It will not grow any hair in that part of your head. Even hair transplantation may be difficult, although consult your doctor about the severity of your baldness.

In the medicine world, hair loss is measured by two types of scales: The HAMILTON-NORWOOD scale is more detailed on the intensity of hair loss, and the BOUHANNA scale that determines the type of hair loss (temples or vertex) and is mostly used by plastic surgeons. 

Like I said, you can not stop your hair from falling, if this is hereditary to you (sorry...), but you can postpone it or even let your hair grow for a while, before the balance between the fallen hair and growing ones, becomes again nasty, after some years. It is up to your care and in what degree you are affected by the above mentioned genetic disorder, that will determine the density of your hair.

I will list below some hair care advice for you. Follow carefully.

1 . Pat dry . 

Do not rub your hair with a towel. I am saying this because the towel is the number one enemy of your hair! When you rub your hair with a towel, it becomes tangled, and most importantly, your hair will break. Use the towel just to take out the excess water and than use hair dryer, to dry your hair. In the summer time always dry your hair with the hair dryer, or let it air dry. Wet hair makes the ideal ground for mucus to grow, and you don't want to get affected by some type of disease, like tinea capitis. 

2 . Wash your hair often. 

I would say that washing your hair often makes it stronger, gives more volume, cleans the scalp from the oils that stick your hair together and makes it thinner and weaker. But, do not wash that often, 3 to 4 times a week is ideal.

3. Don't use very hot water on your head! 

Hot water damages the scalp, affecting in this manner, the hair growth and its strength. There are many folks that love really hot showers, but I will recommend to you, to avoid hot water on your head.

4. Don't brush your hair when it is wet. 

Or make sure to use a wide-toothed comb and use it gently.

5. Don't use tight hats.

Using continuously tight hats, can damage permanently your hair, even if you are not suffering from Androgenic Alopecia. Continuous distress done to your scalp from your hat can damage your hair follicles.

6. Cut your hair.

The shorter your hair is, the stronger it will be, and less stress will occur in the hair’s follicle The longer your hair is, the harder it is for the follicle to feed the hair, or the keratin body with essential oils. So, try to keep your hair trimmed.

Treatment methods 

For the moment, there exist two types of cures for Androgenic Alopecia. The first drug is Finasteride, known under the generic names of Propecia, Finpecia etc. This drug is taken orally once, every day, for a long period of time. 

It is expensive if you consider that you will take it for a long period of time and e pill has an average cost of 1 to 2 dollars. But, this is not all, it has a side effect that is a man's nightmare. There are case reports of persistent diminished libido or erectile dysfunction, even after stopping the drug. 

Of course, this side effect is a rare thing, but usually a sexual dysfunction occurs in the first days of use and than it all goes back to normal. While taking this drug, you will see your hair grow normally, because that genetic malfunction doesn't occur anymore in the hair follicle. When you stop taking this drug the situation turns back the same, after some months. 

The second drug is called Meloxidil. It is an anti-hypertensive drug that has a really unusual side effect! When you apply it topically to the skin it stimulates hair growth! No one knows for sure its mechanism of action, but it is believed that this drug stimulates the blood flow under the skin and in this manner indirectly the hair follicle takes more ingredients for it needs. 

It is very ironic to know that this drug was invented in the same way as viagra. By watching the side effects of these drugs, which were originally used for other purposes, but when the side effects are better than the intended ones, than you can just switch the use of that drug for another purpose! 
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