Friday, August 30, 2013

Is Make up with Sunscreen effective or not?

SPF containing make up
I love being practical and all, so it is clear that I love combination products, too. Make up containing sunscreen is a perfect example, since there are fewer layers to apply, less time needed to get it done and SPF protection, which is a must for your skin always!... 

But, is the sun protection offered by the SPF containing make up, enough to protect your skin? Is the sun protection we get really up the alley, or are we just being fooled? 

Actually, it is none of the above... Keep in mind the golden rule that insufficient amounts of sunscreen, causes the SPF to fall dramatically to the root of the labelled SPF on the product bottle. So let's say we have a foundation marketed with an SPF of 15. If insufficient amounts of the product are used, the SPF will be the square root of 15, being reduced to 4, and SPF 50 will be reduced to 7!

types of foundation
If this isn't enough, there are a lot neglected areas when we put make up on... Even the amount of make up we put on tends to be minimal, to avoid the cakey face, or the clown face...

Do you apply your make up uniformly and in the right amount needed to attain the goodies of the labelled sunscreen? Also a lot of make up contains protection just against UVB rays, so against sunburn. 

Since both UVA and UVB are harmful, you need protection from both kinds of rays. Do not forget that UVA rays are long ultraviolet rays, known to cause premature aging of the skin and skin cancer. If you want to spot a make up that has UVA protection, it must be labellet "UVA protection", or "Broad spectrum protection". 

It doesn't mean that just because your make up has SPF it will give you the sun protection you need. So do not rely solely on your make up for your sun protection. Or, use it uniformly, in generous amounts and everywhere that you need protection. Be aware that it must contain UVA protection as well. 

Otherwise just use a broad spectrum SPF containing cream underneath your make up. If you do this, it's hard to tell how a sunscreen will react with another sunscreen, unless you know specifically what the active ingredients are, and how they would react with each other. But we aren't all PhD holders. 

So the easiest way is to just have only ONE product with SPF in your routine and apply that properly. That way, you can be sure it won't have any other sunscreen ingredients to interfere with its effaciacy. Don't get a moisturizer with SPF, a foundation with SPF, and try to layer them both with a sunscreen. That's just a waste of all that sun protection in the product. 

If I were you I would get just a cream with broad spectrum SPF and no SPF make up...

Stay well!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Homemade face spray, to hydrate and protect your skin

I find it best to have a face spray handy during the day, not only for dry skin issues, but to refresh your make up, too. I go through face sprays like drinking water, so I find this formula that I am going to share with you, easy, cost effective and a very good addition to your skin care regime during the day.

Even if you slather a good face cream in the morning, with all the pollution, wind, weather, UV rays, and so on, it will not be enough. A soothing spritz, some moisturizing mist may be just what you need to hydrate and nourish your skin. Do not forget, dry skin along with UV rays are the major causes of wrinkles. 

So here it is the formula:

You Need:

¼ cup of distilled water
2 teaspoons of vegetable glycerine 
1 teaspoon of grapeseed oil
5 drops of Vitamin E oil, or one gel capsule
10 drops of essential of  your choice (try Apricot Kernel Oil)

All you have to do is mix all of the ingredients in a small spray bottle, about 3 oz should suffice. Then simply shake and take. Give your skin a quick spritz whenever you feel the need for a quick refresher. It is good even over make up, whenever you think you need to touch up. But be sure that you shake before each time. Also, this face spray is actually great all around. It is natural with no added chemicals and very good for your skin.

Glycerine is hygroscopic, which means that it can actually absorb water right from the air. Basically, glycerine draws the moisture to your skin leaving it soft, supple, and smooth. It mixes well with water too.

Grapeseed oil is amazing for your skin. First of all, when it comes to hydrating, this oil actually mimics the sebum in the way that it moisturizes your skin.  It is also a great source of antioxidants. And you know what that means. Antioxidants = anti aging. And a third benefit is that it is that aside from keeping your skin dry, it also keeps it from being uneven in skin tone.

Vitamin E oil has skin brightening properties. It has basic antioxidant properties that everyone needs. It is unavoidable that we are all suffering from environmental stress. Vitamin E oil protects the skin against cell mutation in the sun and pollution. It's also an anti-inflammatory, so it calms and hydrates sensitive skin. It is a long list this with the positive properties of vitamin E oil for the skin. I will only add the SPF protection (especially when combined with vitamin C oil they form a natural sunscreen) and it also helps with acne scarring...

Apricot kernel oil is found in many different types of cosmetics and personal care products, including soaps, creams, lotions, ointments, shampoos and conditioners. Unlike some oils that remain on the surface of the skin, apricot kernel oil is readily absorbed without leaving a greasy residue. If you tend to experience dry, itchy skin after bathing or showering, this is the perfect oil to lightly apply to damp skin.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Warning signs, days before a heart attack

Warning signs days, or weeks before a heart attack

Do not neglect these signs the body is giving to warn you of a possible heart attack. 

1. Rapid and irregular heartbeat

Sudden, unexplained episodes of rapid, irregular heartbeat and pulse can predate a heart attack by days, or even weeks. An irregular heartbeat accompanied by an increase in the number of beats per minute (more than 120 beats per minute) can indicate a serious problem. The symptoms are easy to confuse with a panic attack. Your heart may feel like it’s pounding, as if you’d just run for the bus or had a terrible fright. The episodes are likely to come on suddenly. Typically, there’s no obvious trigger for the sudden heartbeat acceleration and arrhythmia. Just call the doctor right away.

2. Nausea or stomachache 

This symptom is particularly common in women, over the age of 60. Although most people associate angina with chest pain, in many cases the body sends those pain signals down into the abdomen. Poor circulation and lack of oxygen circulating in the blood (caused by a weak heart or blocked arteries) can lead to ongoing nausea, indigestion, or vomiting. Watch your symptoms for a few days to rule out a stomach virus or food poisoning. If symptoms persist, get a checkup for gastrointestinal illness, but make sure to ask your doctor to consider heart health as well.

3. Exhaustion

A sense of crushing fatigue that lasts for days, weeks, or even months can signal heart trouble months before a heart attack occurs. This isn’t run-of-the-mill fatigue but the debilitating kind you’d typically associate with having the flu. Fatigue comes on suddenly, without any clear explanation such as extreme exertion, lack of sleep, or illness. Typically you’ll start the day with close to normal energy but become increasingly tired, feeling exhausted by afternoon. A heavy feeling in the legs is another sign. Women should be particularly alert for unexplained, long-lasting fatigue.

4. Insomnia and anxiety

Sudden onset of insomnia when you haven’t experienced this problem before is a signal to watch out for. It may be the way of your body telling you that something is not right. Ask yourself whether the anxiety is related to recent events or triggers, or whether it seems abnormal in proportion to life events. Sudden, unexplained anxiety or insomnia should be discussed with your doctor.

5. Pain in the shoulder, neck, jaw or arm 

The pain may travel up the neck to the jaw and even to the ear, or radiate down the shoulder to the arm and hand, or it may center between the shoulder blades. The pain may feel sharp, or it may be a dull ache such as you’d feel with a pulled muscle. The pain comes and goes, rather than persisting unrelieved, as with a pulled muscle. Pain that doesn’t go away after several days merits a medical checkup. If the pain seems to move or radiate upward and out, this is important to tell to your doctor.

6. Breathless, or difficulty taking a deep breath

When you can’t draw a deep breath, you probably assume it’s your lungs, but it could be the result of too little oxygen circulating in your blood from a weakened heart. Officially known as dyspnea, shortness of breath is often the first sign of serious heart disease. 

7. Excessive sweating

Flu-like symptoms, like clammy skin or sweatiness, that aren’t accompanied by a fever, that last longer than a week, or that come and go over a long period of time, are signs that there’s some other underlying cause, which may be heart disease.

These are the 7 warning signs your body gives you before a heart attack. Understanding the language your body talks to you, is vital. 

Stay well!
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